2 March 2014





1 March 2014




text from ロッテ ガーナミルクチョコレート

「ふたりは、きのこを とりながら うちへ かえりました」


「ふたりは、きのこを とりながら うちへ かえりました」
"They went back home while taking mushrooms."

text from 『たのしいふゆごもり』片山令子 作 片山健 絵

28 February 2014



"Some components of the vegetables might be lost by processing."

text from 野菜一日これ一本

27 February 2014



"We do not return the photos entrusted."

text from 岩合光昭写真展「ねこ」

26 February 2014



"Deep cut!"

text from ディーポ ハバネロチーズ味

25 February 2014



"How's the relationship between the furniture and the floor...?"

text from unico 3D simulator

24 February 2014



"Then, snow Thawing Granny came and..."

text from 徳間書店 子どもの本だより 2014年1月/2月号

23 February 2014



"Write the words you want to write!"

text from 第9回 ちよだ文学賞

22 February 2014



"Hanging on the wall, or standing as folded."

text from ポパイ 2014年3月号 803号

21 February 2014



"Two each"

text from 京王の株主優待制度

20 February 2014



"ZZZZ is the sound of someone sleeping."

text from "OUNCE DICE TRICE" by Alastair Reid, Drawings by Ben Shahn

19 February 2014



"Warm light"

text from パナソニック パルックプレミアLS 30+32W ナチュラル色

18 February 2014



"Preschool children must be accompanied by parent for entry."

text from 第17回 文化庁メディア芸術祭

17 February 2014



"If you want to know more recipe, come here"

text from ポッカレモン100

15 February 2014



"Tone-deaf OK"

text from 週刊きちじょうじ 2031号



"Keep this ticket in a safe place."

text from クロネコメール便

14 February 2014



"Fukushima's delicious strawberry came to Tsukiji!"

text from TOKYO METRO NEWS 2014年2月号

13 February 2014



"The painter draws you"

text from こどもの本の画家たち展2

11 February 2014



"it might become white."

text from アルフォート ミニチョコレート

「懐かしい味わい 素朴なプレーン」


「懐かしい味わい 素朴なプレーン」
"Nostalgic taste. Rustic plane."

text from わっ!ハニードーナツ

9 February 2014



"It might be unusual combination but delicious!"

text from 鯰日和 No.12

8 February 2014



"If you turn over"

text from 講談社 子どもの本通信 dandan 第29号



"Warm up with the gentle taste!"

text from 秋田県冬の総合観光パンフレット

7 February 2014



"Freshly grated radish"

text from ヤマサ おろしぽん酢

6 February 2014



"At the end of the tunnel, there is another hole"

text from 「トムは真夜中の庭で」フィリパ・ピアス 作 高杉一郎 訳

5 February 2014



"Gently sweet and savoury"

text from 伊右衛門 玄米茶

4 February 2014



"We sincerely made the simple steamed bun."

text from 高尾山そばマップ

3 February 2014



"Spent a month for drawing the plans."

text from 映画 永遠の0新聞 第1号

2 February 2014



"Sense of security that surrounded by apartments"

text from コソダテUR サンラフレ百合ヶ丘

1 February 2014



"We will refund if there is no stock in our company"

text from 本の旅人 2014年2月号 No.220

31 January 2014




text from 国宝みうらじゅん いやげ物展 in TOKYO

30 January 2014



"Creamy foam"

text from クリアアサヒ

29 January 2014



"Written on the top"

text from モアセレクト 牛乳

28 January 2014



"I don't need even cat's paw, meow"

text from クリーン引越しセンター

27 January 2014



"Speed of time"

text from 水戸芸術館 「拡張するファッション」

26 January 2014



"I'm becoming great."

text from 東急電鉄 のるレージ

25 January 2014



"Stamp Location"

text from 発券!東京の中の熊本スタンプラリー

24 January 2014



"Insert tea bag, pour boiled water."

text from 伊藤園 よく出るおいしいプレミアムティーバッグ 抹茶入り緑茶

23 January 2014



"Characters written by fingers"

text from かなバンク書体見本帳

22 January 2014



"We will hold a candy house workshop."

text from HOTほっとTOKYU 2014年2月号 No.408

21 January 2014



"Compress the deliciousness of plentifully fruit!"

text from 東ハト オールレーズン

20 January 2014



"Egg fried rice is good too though"

text from かせいチャンネル 2013年 秋&冬号 Vol.6

19 January 2014



"It has stripes on its body"

text from 「うさこちゃんとどうぶつえん」ディック・ブルーナ ぶん・え 石井桃子 やく

18 January 2014



"Ideal size for curry and rice."

text from 月刊Ponta 2014年1月号 Vol.47

17 January 2014



"The little bear ran after the lively squirrel"

text from "RUPERT and the Black Moth"
Illustrated by John Harrold Based on original story by Bestall

16 January 2014



"Will he float?"

text from 「じてんしゃにのるひとまねこざる」
文・絵 エッチ・エイ・レイ 訳 光吉夏弥

15 January 2014



"Stacked paper"

text from "ABOUT PRINTS A Guide for Artist Printmakers" by Silvie Turner

14 January 2014



"The flavour is inferior but safe to eat."

text from トップバリュ チョコレート

13 January 2014



"Small space where you can concentrate on creation"

text from アート・アニメーションのちいさな学校